sun09jan2000: A week ago I was playing a game with JayJay, he was making "blblblblbl" noises,
30 april uploaded a demo of the B side of my internet single
Sunday 02 january 2000 in my bus, typing into this new laptop. I've been copying stuff off old disks and arranging it. cycling and hitching to random cybercafes at one pound for ten minutes and rushing and saving to disk I've probably lost a few emails. Sorry if I've lost yours
As to my
Internet Single - Repetitive Squeaks
which I uploaded last month: I've had four emails, two people say
they succeeded in downloading it, two failed. Please, if you're out there
with an internet connection click above and test it and
email me
with Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V copies of what happened and how I could improve it..
What I want for
tribalvoices is to have free AM quality RealAudio
and pay-for MP3 samples, but I can't do that here in my
Yesterday yesterday, new years eve, I babysat.
wed5jan2000 when walking along a country lane whenever I see a truck or car coming towards me immediately I look behind me, if there's nothing coming I may move a little towards the centre of the road, (giving me more space to jump if the driver's mad), but if there's something coming from the other direction I want to know as soon as possible and turn a right angle and walk onto the verge, or jump into the hedge, whatever...
fri07jan2000: I caught buses to the cities of Wells and Bath.
I got a new Tilley vapouriser and sound sampled and uploaded
quite a few
realaudio soundfiles for Tribal Voices
including one of me tinwhistling with the Rainbow Orchestra in the RainbowC,
Kentish Town, Lord Eric Sugumugu and others on percussion,
a child drops a cowbell,
but the first 40ish seconds of the soundfile come out silent, whoops,
its at .
for plugin info see new webpage:
sun09jan2000: A week ago I was playing a game with JayJay, he was making "blblblblbl" noises, I was replying "blurble blurble". This morning I said "blurble blurble" to him, he replied "blblblblblbl" which is another first, which proves his ears to brain to mouth connection works. He loves playing my guitar and singing. Only two weeks ago he held the caravan sides as he moved to and fro, now he's perfectly confident on his feet, no hands. Yesterday he fell, got up, and carried on without crying - on a mission!
tue13jan2000: in my bus ,
typing into this new laptop. I'm getting the hang of installing
and uninstalling parts of windows95.
The more I learn, the more questions I have!
It's only got 8M of RAM, so I' having to make lots of compromises.
I must backup, and make a windows boot disk tonight.
I've been tidying and editing the Tribal Voices webpages and frames, readying for new people to add to that website.
thu20jan2000 at Kebele
in Bristol. Thanks for the dinner (cafe Thursday and Sunday evenings).
And then some musical jam, my tin punky whistle tolerated!
I've been lent the old windmill from
Wandsworth Eco Village again. Thanks.
Yesterday in Glastonbury I uploaded new webpages for the
Space Goats and
Tribal Voices,
Fri4feb2000 h00:12 in Victoria Cybercafe, London, all night. Dont know whereto afterwards... Wednesday I uploaded lots of webpages, now I've got to debug them, please email me
h00:41wed09feb2000 at Tottenham Ct Rd cybercafe.
please email me if you're online tonight,
i could reply instantly rather than my average three weeks!
yesterday yesterday monday evening i went to the
London Musicians Gathering upstairs in a pub in Farringdon.
Thanks and respect to Magi Nichols.
I recorded it with my laptop, real encoder,
and yesterday, earlier tonight, I uploaded the sound tracks
from mick's - thanks.
My favourite "track" is at: , the others are
h21:59friday11feb2000 in my bus, back from London. In the cybercafe I got them to print three sheets in Arial 8 point because it was my favourite font, but discovered that two different letters of that font looked the same, small l for little and big I for India. Its the same here on this computer, typing in Homesitev1.2 on this windmill powered laptop.
hello, quarter to midnight,
monday 14th feb 2000,
earlier tonight I recorded my song into this laptop, onlytime.rm,
"The Only Time I Lied", with mistakes,
now I need a guitarist and singer to record it
and get it to number one for next valentine's
day and send me the songwriting dosh,
thats the theory, more likely than winning the lottery
(especially as I havent bought a ticket since week one)
yeah, here in my bus, typing into this laptop by windmill power.
Will is here, one of my English cousins.
I cooked a nice stew tonight, though i say it myself, the secret is - ,
mung beans, and fried onions, yum.
Got a bit drunk again, phoning people, pouring sherry down the phone!
I havent done much creative writing the last month or two,
I've been busy using this, my new laptop,
tidying up my webpages etcetera.
But last Monday week I played music at the
London Jam ,
and yesterday after several sherries
I'm embarrassed to confess that I recorded myself
guitaring and singing a demo of my song
Only Time
I'm not a performable singer or a guitarist
~ I'm a lightshow and a flautist and a writer-
I need someone else to sing and record the song
and to get it to number one and to send me the song writing dosh.
It's worth it, for the title alone, dont you think?
When I went to London I uploaded a lot of edited webpages,
but the session using Dreamweaver failed,
(I didnt have time to read all the help files)
and I'm not sure which went up and which didn't.
I nearly bought an orange phone with an infra red port
so I can get to the internet from here in my bus,
but according to a man on the phone today
the Nokia 702 and 6150 infra red ports are not compatible with computers,
they're only for playing games.
and the cable and CD cost £129.99 in shops,
but cost them less than £5 to make.
As i wrote, i've got bogged down with technical stuff.
I'm looking for new projects...
at kebele on thursday I spent a few hours on their computer,
and fixed the millenium date bug in their windows95,
their clock was at 12 january 1980,
i changed the Regional Settings date format from dd/MM/yy to yyyy/MM/dd
and from control panels / clock i upped the year from 1980 to 2000
(and adjusted the date and time as necessary)
and turned off the desktop background
and found their programs were in c:\ clogging the root,
instead of at C:\program files,
(but i left them as they were)
and made me a folder called C://My Documents/george/
and set up outlook express to automatically download all my hotmail - now I'm stuck with hotmail, and hence into using Microsoft's Outlook Express (so much quicker than the web interface),
thu24feb.8pm ish Back from Frome where I uploaded some webpages and sent some emails. The computer was connected at 14K to demon, not 56K like I'd have expected in a cybercafe. Hotmail kept on refusing windows, I tried to send a lot of emails about the gig , but because of hotmail errors I dont know which got through and which didnt.
Yesterday young Jay Jay had such fun pushing a cake tin off my bed
to crash down the steps onto the yard, I'd chuck it back, he'd push it off,
dozens of times; then he slid himself backwards off my bed and got down
the steps like he's done it hundreds of time - another first.
And today we went for our walk on the bit of grass behind the site,
he walked all the way without holding my hand, another first.
Browsing though second hand books I found a
Paul Gallico book and bought it because he's great.
It was 'Thomasina', allegedly about a vet who murders
his girl's cat, I could have read it all in one sitting,
but it was so nice that I stopped and went to sleep,
then thought about it all day long before finishing the story,
a classic ending, ah!
Mad Lori - what a character; Peddie the Christian says:
" You chaps have a convenient label for everything that
doesnt coincide with your definition of normal -
neurasthenia, schizophrenia, psychosis, manic depression -
and everyone must fit into one or the other categories
including those who do genuinely hear the voice of God.
You leave us believers little choice but to register at the
nearest mental home"
h01:23 fri4march2000 at Victoria cybercafe, London.
Yesterday, Wednesday, was the Stonehenge Meeting.
Willy X donated a PC to the
Torrianno Meeting House,
I tidied up the desktop, John and Willy got stuck into Paintbrush
and wordpad.
Today I helped Willy produce some leaflets on his new
Windows 3.1 computer. It works.
Then I caught a bus and picked up C's computer
and carried and bussed it to
R's .
He's a vegan, makes funny tasting soya tea, so I took along some teabags and milk.
But he doesnt like the sound of me enjoying/slurping tea, so gave me water.
Tea is the one drug I'm addicted to. If I dont drink any in a day then I get headaches.
He plugged in the computer, reformatted it, found errors, a visitor came,
we chatted, I asked how to transfer data from my 486 laptop to a Mac.
Can I do it with a SCSI cable?
Leaving I trod on my coat and milk spurted everywhere.
Whoops, help! Its no use crying over spilt milk they say
but it is, because crying out attracts attention and gets towels
there quicker thereby minimising damage.
I've lots of experience of making mistakes,
and clearing up afterwards.
I'm drinking tea now.
As advised by freespace I've just succeeded in getting a copy of the first few dozen characters of emails to copied to my mobile phone. Probably
h01.23 Tue07march2000: at victoria cybercafe. Last night I went to
Magi Nichol's Musicians Gathering, but didnt play much music
Been sleeping on various London floors and sofas,
playing with various kids and computers.
Wed15March2000: Yesterday I got Windows95b fully installed
on this laptop after almost three months of trying. And Microfinder
upped the RAM to 16M, again promising to order the RAM to build it
up to its maximum of 32M.
There was a scary time when I thought we'd broken it,
none of the browsers would work, complaining about incompatible OLEs,
but deleting the C:\windows folder and reinstalling worked - phew!
Dial Up Networking seems to work, but as I havent a phone line here in my
bus I can't test it.
I've been given a Nokia Cellular Data Card but its not compatible
with my mobile phone, it needs a Nokia 2110 phone and compatibles,
but they wont work on orange. Drat.
So I'll save this webpage to disk and cycle to Frome to upload it,
where they charge me £1 for 10 minutes and have a connection at 14K,
not 56K, drat.
Stonehenge was fab, I played tinwhistle and some trombone
by the fire in the track all night,
then lingered in the Stones around sunrise,
just being there.
I've just uploaded an improved
Stonehenge Slideshow , it should now work in Internet Explorer and
Netscape, please test it for me and email the results
thu23march2000 in a house, plugging this laptop into a phone socket, sending and receiving emails
fri24march back in my bus, offline editing this, twiddling
Some confusing phone calls about my
Complaint against the Police from years ago,
I'll think and act when I get back from
Glastonbury . Orc says I'm in a hole and stop
digging, but it's not my hole, and there are several principles involved,
of truth, respect, honour, justice and love.
see: fe ,
womens issues
and RainbowCircle .
Sunday 26 March 2-5pm free Stonehenge Meeting at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms [07970-378572]
Tuesday 28 March I phoned and emailed Andy of Festival Eye and resigned as Picture Editor - he hasn't replied, but I know he's working on the mag for this summer, I'll send another "Letter From Karelia" and a few reviews..
Friday31March2000 in my bus, might cycle to Frome to upload and get emails, then Sunday@Kebele?, Wednesday Stonehenge meeting at Torriano
I've pleaded guilty to playing Spice Girls off the roof of my bus last summer at Rainbow Circle Beltane Camp last May, so this May if I go I'll probably cycle and leave the bus here.
I hope I've fixed my Stonehenge Slideshow to work in both InternetExplorer4+ and Netscape3+, please test it
Sat01april Orange have cancelled my phone. Oh no they havent - it was Craig's April Fool.
Sunday02April I was going to Bath and Bristol but D A and S came round and want to borrow my tools to change track rod ends. They broke my stilson
Steve Technopagan in Bath has a new website for a WAP emulator
for Bruce Bedlam's Stonehenge roof theory style sheet
with links not underlined
Monday03april2000 Snow and slush. Off in a van to Brighton.
thu06april bought some boots. To South London, to Dave and Deb Lost In Space's, we recorded two bits of real audio, 6april2000-jesus-was-a-mushroom.rm 549K stereo and 6april2000-roly-roly.rm 1.9M mono
Steve Smart Pils now at:
new all singing all dancing website
18april2000 I've updated the datelist
and enhanced my slideshows
There hasnt been enough wind for the windmill, its been raining,
and my bicycle powered generator isnt working yet, so I havent been able
to use this laptop for several days. But now I'm hooked into a petrol generator
for a few hours.
23april2000 in my bus - I went to Glasto a few days ago
and send and received emails, uploaded some webpages,
Space Goats , Stonehenge etc
I've emailed some words to Festival Eye Magazine.
Jezzers says checkout:
..."Alternative" radio from Albion
Lawrence has updated his pictures:
wed 26april: cycled to Shepton Mallet Rainbow Circle Beltane Camp gate. Someone shouted at me - (I don't know why she changed from the Glastonbury meeting) - I went home. There's issues of truth and honour, but this is not the place for them (they have my phone number)
fri28 april caught a bus to Bath, hitched to London.
sat29april to protesters conference @ Holloway Road.
30 april belgrano uploaded a demo of the B side of my internet single
Monday 01 May 2000 h01:52
in London, to bed soon then mayday in London-
gorilla gardening, i must get some bananas.
But t
I missed a party last night-
been setting up email etc for
earlier today @ anti-capitalism conference and the
(2pm April30 Islington huge outdoor group photograph of us
RTS protestery fluffy types ),
I took my trombone,
someone said they wanted the trombone but not me
so I hid at a edge for the earlier photos, ?
1st may 3.23pm at victoria cybercafe, London
g@victoria monday 3.18pm mayday celebrations uptodate now
I was playing
my trombone with some drummers opposite big ben when a
sound system / disco arrived and everybody ran over
and even the drummers stopped so I walked away to
the off licence then thought i walk a bit further up to victoria
and here i am in the cybercafe,
i'll go back in a few minutes though- i clicked the RTS page
- its the same as yesterday's but at
Wednesday 3rd May recorded two demos with
Angel in her kitchen on this laptop,
several mistakes in it - we hadnt played together for a year!
Then to Stonehenge Meeting
The local kids want us lot back, they fondly remember our summer open days. The Budlia has grown back, but the Plane trees are gone forever, they chopped them down in the eviction "In case somebody climbed them" - but they could have left them and still had their mega supermarket, Guinness Kills Trees .
First I called in on Martin Linton MP's advice surgery in Wandsworth and made a complaint against my complaint against the police
i followed the Exodus truck at the front and danced to their
mix of cannabis anthems and Marley tracks-
legalise it and i will advertise it.
Then into Brockwell Park where Daevid Allen of Gong
played for twenty minutes, just him, his guitar,
and voice through an echo box, but he recreated the sound of
the pothead pixies as i remember them at the bungalow
when I was a lad.
Several new babies and mums from the Rainbow Centre days etc.
After the last band Georgie and Sunch from the diggers nicked my hat and taunted me so I chased them for half an hour - exhausting!
An hour walking in circles looking for a party with Lee Carol and Soaf, I gave up and caught a bus back here to Lost In Space base, where I slept, played with the kids, and recorded some music.
Wed 10 May 2000
yesterday to the Drome, London Bridge for a meeting about
self-policing at Stonehenge this coming solstice.
Arthur told us that English Heriticage
(who own the gates fences and guards) have offered free access to the Stones
for all who come in peace from midnight to 7a.m. on Wednesday 21st June.
~ ~
Conditions may include No dogs, No fires, No camping, No electric music,
no climbing, Self Policing and that we all leave after at 7a.m.
see Stonehenge Campaign webpage for more info.
But if we give our word of honour to leave at 7a.m.
how hard will it be to leave, not to stay for some more hours
in the Stones - but if we did that'd 'prove' self policing
doesn't work, that Police are needed to 'defend Stonehenge'
next year and the year after that...
Been editing
Stonehenge June 2000 webpages.
I'm still reading the Penguin Book of 20th Century Protest. A few pages at a time.
But the last few days I read "The Good Terrorist" by Doris Lessing,
I bought it from the Oxfam shop because I know she's a great writer.
This one's about people living in squats in London calling themselves
'revolutionaries' and going on demos and watching Alice do most
of the housework. It's one of the books that if I'd read it twenty
years ago maybe I'd have lived my life different.
But perhaps at that stage of my life I wouldn't have understood
her disillusionments and criticism of my lifestyle.
Another book which might have changed how I've lived my life
if I'd read it earlier is 'Gone With The Wind'. I don't know why I wrote
that, it popped up from my sub-conscious, and 'Wuthering Heights' -
I was reading through Vicky's books in Harlesden I think when I found that,
I'd heard of it of course but it's not the sort of book I'd read,
I think I had flu when I read it, that terrible heartless Heathcliff,
what a monster - the creation of a young Englishwoman's brain -
if I'd known they could be like that perhaps I'd have been less
rational and philosophical in my student lovelife.
Another is the american 'How To Make Friends and Influence People'.
I'm glad I didn't read that until recently, its ruthless pursuit
of the most proven and fast and direct route to business success
could have captured me, that aint my way. If we followed his way
we'd all be successful millionaires with rich palaces with new wood
fittings, and there'd be even more forests destroyed! Which reminds me,
a building's been demolished nearby, perhaps I'll cycle over
and check the skip for reusable wood to mend the swings..
Sunday 21 May one month until Stonehenge
I got half an email from Phoenix, of the
Kentish Town Rainbow Centre,
he says he's in Italy at, on walkabout
visiting squats and communities for insp...
I'm trying to get my mobile phone infra red port to talk to this laptop's infra-red, but failing - any ideas or advice??
Today the boy bit me. Instantaneously I slung him out my bus,
faster than you could say "instantaneously".
He didnt bite me again.
Several times today we've gone under the stile along the grass
to the climbing frame,
he discovered that he can grab it with his hands and swing,
he laughs like that's the funniest thing ever.
Which, today, it is.
Then I run down the track and hide in the long grass,
he knows where I am and runs and laughs.
Then we go along the path, through the wood, and back down into site.
It was only a few months ago when I first took him there,
holding his hand all the time as he'd stumble every other step on the
rough ground, every day he was a bit better,
learning so much every day.
How I wish I could learn so much every day:
I've been practising trombone and flute,
there are still a few notes at the top of the flute I don't know,
and I've had it years - laziness.
When people ask me what's my favourite musical instrument I say
lights : I built them to play along with bands,
how I enjoyed flashing them with great drummers like 2000 DS,
Back To The Planet, Tofus, Sugumugu, etc.
Friday26may2000 in Brighton , helping Jes desktop publish
the Stonehenge Campaign June Newsletter.
scanned and uploaded some new pictures of
Wandsworth Eco Village
and Alison Collyer
Tues 30 May in London, nighttime, recovering from Monday's
Kingston Green Fair. I saw most of Busker Paul Gill's set, and the new
noisy Electric Space Goats, and played trombone with some drummers,
and jammed tin whistle with Pok, and kids and mums and dogs
and friends from all over, but a slight headache so I went to sleep.
Getting ready for Thursday's Stonehenge walk
sendoff at Battersea Park Peace Pagoda. Should be good.
Fri 23june2000 Back from Stonehenge last night.
Today I cycled to Radstock then bussed to Bath
where microfinder
still hadnt managed to get my laptop's infrared port to work, six months
after they sold it me saying it would.
So I can't download the last few weeks' emails.
Wow that walk to Stonehenge was a trip!
I feel like I have a new family,
all those adventures and arguments and reconciliations
and cups of tea and meals and pubs, we'll talk of it for years
when we meet, those of us from the year 2000 walk.
I'd never done it before, all the way.
Not one of us walked every yard of the way, we all had
lifts, but there was a walk all the way from London to Stonehenge.
On Monday 19th the police refused to escort us from Upavon,
even though I told them that the day before cars had swerved at
a pushchair ' as a joke? ' so we had to send the kids on by car
and only 8 of us walked that day. But we met again that night in some
woods south of the Stones, and all walked up on Tuesday evening for
sunset at Stonehenge. On Monday, just around sunset,
we'd walked south from the Danger Area and sat on one of the mounds
where I used to sit in the old Free Festival days. Jes played guitar, Helen drummed, Gilly fluted, I tinwhistled.
Jes's song Our Stones
In Stonehenge on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning I tinwhistled with several drum sessions, it was good.
Fri 30 June 2000 Last Sunday I got a lift to Pilton/Glastonbury
where I saw David Bowie and he's great. Changes, Starman,
Jean Genie, Heroes,
Major Tom's a Junky,
Ziggy Played Guitar, he played over 2 hours, what a voice,
what words, what tunes, yeah.
Earlier Jools Holland was disappointing.
Monday I danced to Pain in the travellers field,
but missed Andy guitaring and 2000DS Gary - drat!
Saw a bit of Suzanne Vega but baby Soaf was screaming too loud.
Many of the Stonehenge Walk 2000 family were there, and folks from
all over - great!
But I didnt get to play much whistle there
Perhaps a few weeks off now to get my life tidied up -
I spent too few nights on site in May and June,
get the bus tested
(I havent started the engine this year!),
try to get this laptop talking to my phone
(damn microfinder ,
collect June's emails, mending things,
service my lightshow ,
do some more music ,
writing , babysitting,
complaints against the police etcetera
then off to two more festivals :
26-30 July Big Green Millennium Gathering,
nr Warminster, Wilts. Powered by the wind, the sun & the people.
Info BGG, PO Box 155, Hampton, TW12 2FJ tel 0208 941 6674.
Advance tickets only
10-29 August Rainbow Circle Creativity Camp
- healing, music, astrology, heartsharings etc £80 info 0208 981 8409 and
01895 638 375 and 0207 379 6810
RainbowCircle( two+ weeks, three weekends,
like festivals used to be, not just a long weekend)
On the news some Argentineans are talking of suing the British Government for sinking the Belgrano offside
h22:02 Tuesday 18 July: i've been on Radio Bristol, Wiltshire,
Gloucester, Devon, Cornwall and Jersey;
Sarah Gorell's phonein about crime.
This morning they announced
that 8 year old Sarah's body has been found in Sussex,
there'd been a nationwide hunt for a week.
I said that i could imagine me killing someone in a fight when drunk,
or with a car, but not like that.
And how many people get killed on telly every night?
And that kids today meet cannabis everywhere,
are told its illegal but they know it just makes them happy,
they learn to lie to the police and their parents,
this breeds disrespect of the law.
So legalise cannabis, and legalise prostitution,
earlier I bought oil and an oil filter, but couldnt start the bus on the handle, because I should warm the oil before draining it, I notice most of the petrol has evaporated since i last started the engine
Next Monday I'm driving it to the
Big Green Gathering,
unloading my lightshow,
driving it back here,
then cycling back to the festi .
Because it's Green they dont want vehicles,
so I'll use twice as much petrol!
Then in August it's the Rainbow Circle Camp, three weekends.
See my Stonehenge webpage for details)
Yesterday, Monday, I cycled back from buddahfield,
a little festival at Ted Stone's farm.
I'd dropped by there on saturday to tell angel how her
bike repairs were going,
Saturday night I played in a little cafe with
Cameron Altered Native,
over an hour tin whistling (and fluting one tune in A flat or G sharp)
I think he likes my style!
Perhaps we'll record something for
Tribal Voices,
Maybe i didnt think of it like that at the time(s)
but i did when thinking back.
I can remember walking along the canal thinking it.
And counting the places it could have happened.
see my 1986ish poem on Womens Issues .
But i agree with Steinbeck's in that book about the brothers
and twins that kids grow up to be who they are
despite their parents influences.
In the prehistory of the jungle men wouldnt know who their biological children were which is why evolution 'arranged' us so that its natural for humans (men women and children) to pick up stray children and feed them, to be entertained playing with a baby, making goo goo noises, what Fraser Clark writes of as 'pronoia' the feeling children have that everybody is out to help them, the opposite of paranoia. Just watching kids at festivals or in the supermarket, all the adults smiling at babies, the maternal/paternal instinct.
And its unnatural for men to fancy children,
because if they f*cked them then the child's
body would be damaged and it would not grow to have more babies.
So tribes like that would die out by Darwin.
Whereas societies like the ancient greeks,
where much sexual energy was spent on male homosexuality
are evolutionarily viable.
Greek women got pregnant, perhaps by rich old men, their children survived.
Evolution also explains why young males fight,
like stags.
But just because evolution explains these feelings
of male sexual competition, isnt an excuse for following them
at inappropriate times.
In a dog pack Mike Tyson would be top dog impregnating all the females.
But as a human a jury decided that he did not respect a woman's
right to say no, he was sent to jail as a rapist.
I am a man, not a dog, my mind is not a slave of my body, of my emotions, but I remember Irene's warning that it is when we suppress out subconscious animal urges, when we ignore them that they will burst out on us unawares and cause us damage. On one of them many morning arguments on the Stonehenge walk I remember growling "grrrrr" at some other male - he understood. No arguemnts before three cups of tea please!
I've read a few books on child abuse,
a few Guardian articles on Fred West's doings,
I had to think long and hard when I nearly got framed.
I can get my head inside a boy pulling wings of flies
I can even understand how a mad dad would kill his ex-wife and kids,
but to go out in a car and stalk and kidnap and
murder a kid like seems to have happened to that little Sarah last week,
i cant imagine, but i guess it was a male what did it,
and if he started to explain it to me I'd want to kill him,
like those many people who phoned in to the radio today.
Like when I started reading the first page of a random book
and the prose somehow made my skin crawl and I looked
at the front and it was Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.
I recently met a 'transsexual' a previous man who allegedly had his dangly bits cut and converted by a surgeon to be like a woman (but without a womb), it makes me squirm to think of it, but as a liberal I decided my philosophy of sexual politics is that consenting adults can do what they want in private; but that, as it happens, I don't fancy that particular person, (see earlier notes about him/her/han )
h20:50 Wed 19 July2000 .
I disconnected a spark plug lead, no spark,
I took out all six and laid them on the engine
and turned it by hand - no sparks.
I removed the distributor and reset the points.
Sparks. Put the plugs back in.
It started, coughing. I warmed the oil, stopped it,
drained the oil, put in clean.
Started it again on the handle,
squirted stuff in the Carb to clean it,
it sounds better.
I didnt complain of the cold or the wet
but today and yesterday it was too hot.
It was a great festi. I drove here on Monday 24th July,
collecting Angel, Sunch, Shanti, bike, buggy, tat etcetera halfway.
But Shanti's a dog and was banned.
Tuesday Festival Eye Andy arrived with the marquee, and put it up.
Wednesday I borrowed Andy's van, filled it with diesel and drove it
to Bournemouth to get the Stonehenge Exhibition - the arranged driver
had failed.
Thursday we put up the exhibition, can't remember much else,
I think it was that night in bed I was listening to Rinky Dink on the radio.
Friday I cycled to Rinky Dink, Danny said that had been Shak Shak
playing live, how I wish'd I'd got out of bed. I borrowed one of their
freight bikes, and cycled back to my bus and got my lightshow.
Their scaffold was the wrong size, so I walked back and got mine.
Fixed up my lights, 5 or 6 were working,
Saturday Rinky said they'd have a disco, so I didnt light,
but as it happens
Nik Turner played there.
I was at the mushroom stone circle playing tin whistle
for four hours with sevenish drummers. They were great,
there were a couple of
times I tried to accelerate into old tunes but they didnt let me, so I
dropped back, concentrated on one
of them, and tuned in. Remembering
the Friday night drum workshops at the Kentish Town Rainbow Centre
with Lord Eric Sugumugu.
Sunday evening back to Rinky, set up my lights, got my battery, tested them, got about 12 working, did a blinding psychedelic lightshow with Shak Shak (and Nik saxophoning) and then with Kangaroo Moon, until daylight dawned.
Monday I slept, then went out to play again.
And cycling around madly at day and night, looking for guitarists with my tin whistle and having fun. Selling a few Festival Eyes. Meeting old friends from all over, from college, Coventry, Stonehenge, the Convoy Festivals, Glastonbury, South London, Hackney, Hammersmith, Rainbow Centre, Wandsworth, etcetera, etcetera.
and 'family' from the Stonehenge Walk, and new friends made and old renewed in the cauldron that was our camp
and kids and mums and others.
And tromboning with electric guitars - it works - musically!
and tinwhistling in the audience along with stage musicians.
and getting this computer fixed - thanks
and last night I thought a certain lady might come visit but she didnt.
As I think back best was Saturday night, tinwhistling with the drummers, I didnt know any of them, it was dark, at times there were sexy silhouettes dancing, one time Simon came in with his trumpet, played a few bars, I jumped up with my tinwhistle and blew him away. (in my trip). It was like in my letter to Festival Eye 2000 , the greatest, making music with other musicians, listening to each of their individualities, like flying a dragon.
h20:30 tuesday 2nd august2000: trying to upload this with my mobile -
will it all upload?
h20:05 yum yum, ate food with the green litter pickers. Lots of kids on my sawn off climbing frame, that I rescued from Kentish Town Rainbow Centre.
I was getting ready to get my bus
bump-started when
I cycled over with a water container but it was too late.
Ten minutes later fire engines arrived, put it out.
Later I cycled over, told someone off for
not having shoes or gloves.
Later I went back with my boots and gloves and spades and started tidying it.
Thinking of the many vehicle and caravan fires I've tidied up,
of when my bus caught fire in 1993ish at Wraysbury,
and when
Roger Dodger burnt at Evesham Street.
Three hours later they towed her van away.
The engine and wheels are still good.
99% of the contents were destroyed.
Nobody was in it, nobody got hurt.
It was a candle left burning in the wind.
Amanda was out having tea with Anna.
h23:23 tuesday 08 august 2000. Sunch is asleep. Her mum's away in hospital with a broken leg from a cycling accident. Hope she's out tomorrow with a big plaster cast.
Still havent got orange mobile phone infrared link to work, it was at nine bytes per second to freeserve, or 3000 bytes in ten minutes, noting like the alleged 9600 baud, which should be enough for email and FTP.
h21:12 saturday 12 august in my bus in Somerset,
my planned drive to the
Rainbow Circle Cauldron Camp
has been delayed.
I heard some bad news yesterday - Elkie is dead.
She got out the wrong cardoor and was hit by a car.
I remember playing a game with her at the
Tribal Voices
camp while Tegwyn (her mum) and Stevie P (her dad)
were recording. Elkie was at an upstairs window
accidentally on purpose dropping a yellow plastic
sword onto my head, my cap would fly off and I'd fall over,
peals of pure joy laughter...
I'd pass it back to her, she'd drop it again.
Her funeral's in Yeovil on Monday,
where John Pendragon's was.
The photo
at the top right of this webpage
is of Alison Collyer of Greenlands Farm Glastonbury
and others at the
funerals of some other kids we lost,
Kierra, Kayla, Missy and Jason.
I knew Kierra at Llangybi, Kayla at Marcham and Glastonbury,
and Jason in the Pelcomb Mutants gang.
If any of us there could have swapped places we would.
But we can't.
from "The Prophet" by Kahil Gibran (1923)
And now your ship has come, and you must needs go.
Deep is your longing for the land of your memories
Yet this we ask ere you leave us,
And a woman
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
They come through you but not from you,
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
You may strive to be like them,
For life goes not backwards nor tarries with yesterday.
The Archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
Let your bending in the Archer's hand be for gladness;
Then said a rich man, Speak to us of Giving.
from "The Prophet" by Kahil Gibran (1923)
and the dwelling-place of your greater desires;
and our love would not bind you nor our needs hold you.
that you speak to us and give us your truth.
And we will give it unto our children,
and they unto their children,
and it shall not perish.
who held a babe against her bosom
said, Speak of Children.
They are the sons and daughters
of Life's longing for itself.
And though they are with you
yet they belong not to you.
For they have their own thoughts.
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit,
not even in your dreams.
but seek not to make them like you.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
and He bends you
with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
And he answered:
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give
Sunch slept in my bus Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
phoning her mum and grandparents often,
yesterday we caught a bus to Frome, another to Bath,
and another to the hospital where we visited.
Angel wanted to come away, but she'd had bones set that morning,
and the nurse advised a nights rest.
Sunch screamed and screamed, at last I carried her out screaming,
set off walking down hill with her on my shoulders,
she started chatting as usual, dodging the branches
(in June we walked from London to Stonehenge -
see Stonehenge Slideshow Five).
I phoned Simon, he came and rescued us on his bicycle rickshaw,
took us to his house warming party where Sunch had a bath
and food, and wandered about in a blanket then slept.
Unfortunately I drank too much sherry and was sick.
She woke me in the morning, I was sick again.
Angel phoned, she was coming out of hospital,
we caught a bus and met her at the bus station.
She spent three hours walking a few hundred yards on crutches
to do a bit of shopping. We caught a bus back to Frome,
then Mike's taxi back home to site.
h22.22mon14aug in my bus in Somerset.
Tomorrow we drive to Rainbow Cauldron camp
(if my bus doesnt conk out).
I havent been able to upload this page for ages.
Yeovil cybercafe shuts Mondays,
Yeovil library wouldnt let me insert my disk,
Frome Wheatsheaves internet was broken.
I'd caught a bus, a train, and a bus.
I was in Yeovil for the
We sang her favourite song:
'These are a Few of My Favourite Things'
Stevie P sang 'One more Brighter Day'
and said she's gone on a magic journey.
Tegwyn sang.
It was stupidly sad.
Last night, on BBC Local Radio's
Sunday Black Echo,
Sister Evadne Campbell
played some Bob Marley for Elkie.
h00:23fri18august in my bus at Rainbow Circle Camp, near Gloucester. I've been playing tinwhistles and trombone and flute. wow. I love it here. I wish it was forever not two weeks.
A few days ago we had a great jam with folk from Magi Nichol's London Music Gathering, but they're gone home now.
This page has been offline for a few weeks
because I tried to upload it over my orange mobile phone
but failed, perhaps it only uploaded a few bytes
and overwrote the earlier version of this
webpage dicegeor.htm.
Yesterday, Sunday, and Saturday at the free legal party at
near Luton, I danced and danced to bands like Pain and
and GBH and Tarantism, but sadly Phil Planet
of Back To The Planet didnt play because they didnt
tell Reknaw there was a midnight curfew and she was due at 2.30 a.m., ow.
saw loads and loads of friends from all over.
There's a jam tomorrow night somewhere near Borough tube,
green anglespace, i dont know where yet, phone me..
and another on wednesday at Old Spittal Fields Market,
phone me ,
but perhaps I should go back to my bus,
been on the road a week now...
If you want to know when I update these webpages, then visit and subscribe
I've just posted a message onto Finley Quayes webpage:
Name: george ()
Date: 12-09-00 02:12
Dear Finley,
I met you at Lord Eric Sugumugu's den,
did you get to look at my song:
' The Only Time I lied
(Was When I Said I Didnt Love You Any More)
Please record it
and get it to number one for Valentine's day
and send me the songwriting dosh
its at
and the sample is at
which proves i cant sing
or if not you then who should sing it?
the trick is the Dminorseventh
where on 'more' you sing F natural not F sharp
george. phone: 07970 378 572
PS whats' lord erics phone number,
i think its been cut off
From: "Dice George" [] To: [] Cc: [] Subject: lfk2000sept14 - first draft Date: 14 September 2000 05:12 == Letter From Karelia Thu14Sept2000 == June 2000 some of us walked as a family from London to Stonehenge (but nobody walked every step). Then half a night and dawn inside - it was wet and windy, good, cos loads more people could have been a problem clearing the Stones in time for English Heriticage to open their turnstiles at 9 a.m. as a-greed ... Me, I tin-whistled and danced to the real live drumming - I policed myself. Starman Bowie at Pilton was great, but I missed the Wailers, and Big Andy guitaring after PAIN on Tuesday... Big Green Gathering Stonehenge Exhibition bus, and Saturday night fluting with Stone drummers four hours, Sunday 12volt DG Lightshow @ RinkyDink with Nik, ShakShak, + Kangaroo Moon. Angel broke her leg but Sunch was OK. Little Elkie got killed by a car: yet another stupidly sad accident. Craig + Martine had another baby girl. 2 weeks at Cauldren Camp, babysat + fluted and lit and sorted 99% of our Rainbow Circle Politics re: a certain person's infamous rumours and animus.. Then more dancing at Exodus Fest. Next year... hang on, there's another Solstice in December - I want more Braziers and drums and mutual respect and love and understanding (not that I understand half of what's going on - it's a mad world!) your cousin, ==== orange phone 07970 378572 ====
thu21sept2000 h20:03 in my bus:
tomorrow morning is equinox sunrise at Stonehenge:
will I be there?
If I'd really wanted to be there I'd have caught the 2.30pm
bus to Bath, then another to Deptford where the
Salisbury-Bath road crosses the A303 and have walked,
but its been raining all day
and I have the edge of a cold,
and a friend said she might drive me there,
I've offered petrol money,
she didnt phone last night
but if she came here and I was gone
I'd have sort of broken my word
in that I sort of offered petrol money -
and anyhow the world will still go round if I'm not there.
I'm not driving my bus there,
I'd have had to spend days getting it ready,
and anyhow I drove it there in March,
(or was it December last)
and its too extravagant to drive it there four times a year!
I got a random lift to Glastonbury last weekend,
spent two days mainly computering the
Tribal Voices
website, Pok updated two pages.
And checking out the
song at,
shall we put Tribal Voices music there-
I think only after asking the individual musicians for permission.
Back in my bus I've been tidying up and washing stuff- I've been away most of the summer, using it as a den to crash in rather than a home. I went to clean the chimney and found a plate at the back of it had fallen out- that's why I was getting so much more smoke than usual. Perhaps all the smoke from the smokey woodburner etcetera willo take five years off my life compared to someone living in a house with clean nuclear electricity, but that's my choice. If everyone lived in a bus then I'd want to live in a house.
OUTLOOK EXPRESS i successfully found the hotmail inbox *.IBX? on ruth's pc, copied it to pc, copied it to my tulip hard disk, made a new folder on the tulip, renamed the ruth file with that name, and swapped the two files, and it worked - I've got email that I downloaded on Ruth's OK.
h02:55Wed04october in cybercafe-
I got spammed by someone because
they got spammed by the WARPSPAM
disaster and they thought it was my fault
but it was someone else's mistake-
I just sent one email.
To stop warpspam you have to register with
,and change your email delivery to DIGEST or WEBONLY.
To delete lots of emails without POP downloading them
goto dicenews
, choose Twigger, logon, select lots of boxes and delete them.
It could have been worse - in another reality I'd be leader of the Conservative Party, and I'd be a worse shit that W.Hague. But I joined the hippies / liberals / mutants instead. Now Anne Widdecombe has made an ass of herself by proposing to automatically fine everyone in possession of cannabis £100. I'd feared the tories could win the next election, like John Major sneaked one in, but I think they've shown how out of touch they are. There would be more riots in Brixton, etcetera. And the debate has opened up - hurray. I wish I could see what they're saying on the UKCIA maillist, but I cant afford the phonebill to download their hundreds of emails.
The orange mobile internet connection still isnt good enough, the latest annoyance was an unresizable window too big for this laptop at emails
to: (bounced back) email window is too big for this laptop i have logged onto to get my email it opened the mail window which is not resizable and the delete button is too far down- i cant get it on this laptop which is probably 640x480 screensize so i cant delete the spam emails i'm using a motorola timeport please fix your website so that i can get and delete emails through the web interface ~~~~ george ~ phone 07970 378572 ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Stonehenge Campaign ~ Tribal Voices ~ ==========
thu12oct back in my bus in Somerset .
I've been updating the
Tribal Voices
homepage, and arranging by phone to get more of tapes 3 and 4 copied
for sale. And I hope Chrissy and Gaia are enthusing recording of tapes 5, 6,7...
But now Mike's generator has gone off, so I'd better save this
and switch to windmill power.
Tomorrow to Kebele in Bristol, then to
Glastonbury for the weekend, a gig on Friday
and Rainbow Circle meeting Saturday, Sunday.
And old friends, and new.
Here in Somerset for another winter, I think.
I'm learning to play the trombone, again.
===to deja help please I have been trying to get onto the internet for months with my Motorola L7089 timeport and Orange everyday 50, but seldom get online, and when I do get about 1000 bytes per minute at the most. Can you please advise me how to improve on this, and send me links to more info. Unfortunately I have to travel a long way to use cybercafes, and so can't guarantee to read this newsgroup in the next few weeks so please email me some help, as well as posting to here. thanks. george.
Fri27october2000: in my bus.
Last Thursday week I went to
Kebele community cafe in Bristol,
then Friday to Glastonbury
for a gig and then the
Circle AGM. I was ready to dance, but Yoghurt Thrash always
had a drum machine or a backing track - karaoke, I refused to dance
until the very end - its just not live - however we danced the speed of the
music was the same - (see
my letter in Festival Eye 2000 against drum machines etcetera)
The meeting was good.
Saturday was spent circling around confidential matters
of morals which some thought a waste of time
but for me I loved the way people like Raga talked,
and was projecting my own experiences and dilemmas
onto whatever they were talking about
and it illuminated things from new perspectives for me.
Then on Saturday night I danced it out to various musicians.
Then back to sort out
Tribal Voices webpages and upload more sound samples
then sleep,
then a Sunday meeting where we sat in a circle and talked
in our turns and listened. I woffled a bit from scribbled notes
on my paper.
And I passed round a paper which lots of people signed asking
for people to put their names forwards as 'mediators'
so that perhaps when situations arise a mutually
agreed mediator could talk to all sides of the
argument situation
and then perhaps considered proposals could be brought to
the Rainbow Circle Council - because often in arguments
there are misunderstandings about facts and motives
and both sides are in the right, or doing as they think best,
and we all make mistakes, thats human,
whats important is how you behave after your mistake,
whether it's farting or whatever..
(there were two people there on saturday who'd hit me
in the past, to one I said hello, the other I shunned
I read a forgettable sci-fi paperback, then the Wayward Bus
by my favourite John Steinbeck ,
then a book I found second hand - "The Loss of El Dorado" by V.S. Naipaul
set around Trinidad slavery days, the native indians exterminated,
Spanish French and British settlers...
Now I'm reading another book I got for a pound -
"The Psychology of Superstition" by Gustav Jahoda.
Sat4nov2000 8a.m. in london cybercafe, allnighter,
soon to catch a coach to Bath then back to Somerset
and sleep in my bed in my bus
Does the Tribal Voices left frame load the sound samples
OK in your browser?
i think they're broken..
I need cheaper colour photocopying for 50xA4 for Tribal Voices tapes covers:
Tapes 1 to 4 are OK again, but without photocopied covers,
the Marylebone price was too much.
Tribal Voices sounds are broken and the links from is wrong
but I cant FTP from here to fix it...
(the 'C' in SoHo/Cafe must be upper case..).
Please use
for TribalVoices webpages
Yesterday scanning and setting up
Luke's ocknroll photography webpages.
I scanned photos of Belfast Brian + Ian at Rotherhithe,
Red Ice Brian .
and the Stonehenge Exhibition
at the Big Green Gathering Marquee
and OF Ash and Georgia on my roof ,
and of the bank south of Stonehenge ,
and dicenews134
photoreductionist pseudography
and a sketch of me by elsa,
done at
the Big Green
and of
arriving at the Rainbow Circle
Cauldron Camp
tatting down
and more.
fri10nov2000: whoops, due to improvements a lot of the sounds havent been working, please test and tell me which of these four work,: ( and what your browser is, what error messages, etc)
It's raining.
my friend JayJay is visiting site for a while, great to see him again, pushing the trolley stronger faster older than before.
Went to Wells Citizens Advice Bureau today about my ongoing Complaint
against the the Police Complaints Authority.
And I registered to vote, as at here Karelia Bus NFA, remembering
May 1997.
Last night I nearly FTPed the correction to the bug,
tribalvoices is at SoHo/Cafe/1963, I had had a small 'c',
but nowadays I use
, but the cassettes of tapes 3 and 4 had a small c printed on them -- aargh
or did I?
does have links to the tv webpages which work?
and last night i downloaded 12 emails over the infrared mobile phone link, after about ten nights of failures, and sent one out of six, it's not reliable.
there must be somewhere in cycling distance where I can plug this laptop into a wall phone socket.
mon13november2000 offline - is probably still broken-
please use the link above until I can get online and fix it.
tue22november2000 I phoned Dave, he says the
Tribal Voices real audio is
now working , so perhaps tomorrow I'll cycle into
Frome and send an email to everybody on my
dice news egroup, telling them the TV tapes are on sale again,
and give a
datelist and
weblinks .
[ subscribe ].
It's been raining a lot, but I have my rayburn burning wood OK.
I'm off to London next week for
Friday 1st December Rainbow Circle gig,
meetings. Magi's music on Monday, Green Angel Music on Tuesday,
Stonehenge Campaign meeting on Wednesday, then zip back down here for
the Glastonbury gigs on Friday and Saturday.
I cycled to the Radstock cybercafe yesterday, processed emails,
uploaded Tribal Voices and more, and looked at thmaile new
Festival Eye website . It's promising,
but the links shouldnt be red on orange, and the main window
is much too small on a little laptop like this.
It should be pretty amazing by next summer.
email .
sat02dec2000 Yesterday to London for Rainbow Circle gig. Superb.
added slideshow number six
of this summer Big Green Gathering
and Rainbow Circle Cauldron pictures
Uploaded some more real audio:
coventry-sailor.rm from my 1983 Coventry Leaving Party.
rotherhithe-jam.rm : me and Red Ice Brian at Rotherhithe New Road
freedom-festival.rm (more Brian)
~ Eugene and me in my bus
~ more from my Coventry Party
me and Invisible Rory
Tribal Voices tape 4 B side, and others..
but havent updated my music webpage yet ...
Monday is Maggi's music jam
at Betsy Trotwood, Farringdon; Tuesday Green Angel Jam,
Wednesday Stonehenge Meeting ,
then to Glastonbury
for Friday and Saturday gigs.
I downloaded a 10 day trial of icon forge from ,
now if you bookmark this webpage from Internet Explorer5, and/or
Stonehenge ,
and/or dicenews
you should get a little icon in your favorites list.
Does it work for you?
And I made a new mouse cursor, it's red and hollow,
easier to see in a white blue and black windows screen
than the usual white cursor, download it here:
arrow_m-red.cur ,
put it into your windows/cursors folder,
go Start , Settings , control panel , mouse , Pointers ,
Normal Select , Browse...
and select it.
mon04dec2000 : Hi, I'm in London for a few days, visiting friends, computering, networking, selling and distributing Tribal Voices cassettes, and Rainbow Circle Winter Working Group meet (discussing whether to risk doing all next season 'magic hat', and what that means), and Stonehenge Campaign Meeting and babysitting and playing music.. Then weekend @ Glastonbury, then back to Somerset to MOT my bus. The weather's wet and windy, the TLIO windmill's charging batteries, my rain water barrels are full. What I hate is sunburn summers.
h05:00 thu 07dec2000 I sent 398 friends my
dicenews emails
(see )
and only got back a few complaints,
so I think I've got it right-ish
(I'd spent weeks preparing).
But most of Franqui's photos I scanned on Sunday are ruined:
I didn't notice the computer compressing them outrageously.
What a waste of time.
This Friday and Saturday I should be at
Glastonbury for the gigs.
I think the new sound files work OK.
Today's Stonehenge Meeting was good,
yesterday's Green Angel jam superb,
Monday's improv at Farringdon was disappointing.
Annoying bans all geocities sites,
because parental
control is switched on - you have to phone to get it uncensored.
I've sold enough Tribal Voices cassettes to pay the deposit for
24 March Glastonbury gig.
And I've writ about a Stonehenge Talking Circle on
25 March at Glastonbury,
and improved the poster.
h04:44 fri08dec2000 in Tottenham Court Rd cybercafe, listening to
(me+deb+babette lost in space)
I slept, then to Hackney to help Luke with his
webpages ,
he'd tangled them up in folders and geocities page builder -
dont use pagebuilder it inserts loads of invisible complex code and empty tables -yeuk
I advised Front Page Express,
it's not too bad (I use wordpad). And check out the Yale Web Style Guide
Then to Kingsley Hall where I managed to salvage last sunday's scans,
i resaved them as medium quality jpgs and dragged them to disks and
into my laptop to be processed later, sometime when I can get to a computer with
a quality screen.
13december2000: Letter to Stonehenge Newsletter:
=== Letter From Karelia: 13december2000: === I hated our September S.C. front picture because I'm against dead prerecorded music at Stonehenge: the drumming and dancing this June was great. June 2001 lets have beer and fire in one corner, RinkyDink, tame druids, dry kids in others; and walking up the Avenue and in and out the Stones but no glass or climbing or violence or dogs but love and self policing and honour. == == 07970 378572 ==
h23:26 fri22dec2000 : in my bus , on a slope in a layby near Warminster. I missed solstice at Stonehenge. My bus Diff is broken - for more about my mechanical misadventures see karelia.htm
Sat23dec drove the bus back to site in Somerset at 10-18mph, orange lights flashing, diff clanking every two yards. Cycled to Frome and back.
Sun24dec2000 to my family in dreary old Gosport for a few days.
You don't have to but you can if you want to...
(please tell me of any bugs or improvements or ideas as seen with your browser)
Who? Where? Email? Website? Comments: Why? Why not? Why not not? Stonehenge?
Dice George frames
or no frames
Stonehenge Campaign at GeoCities
Stonehenge VE Day pandimensional multimedia Book
DiceNews - hot links
Tribal Voices eco-musicians
(see stoneweb.htm - Stonehenge Campaign
bookmarks - for lots more)
, ______ ________ ______ , , / Free \ / The \ / Stones \ , , \________/ \_________/ \_______ / , , ____ ___ ___ ____ , , / \ / \ / \ / \ , , | | | | o | ! ! ! , , | | | | m | ! !
On my honour I promise that this site shall not contain any pornography,
or racist material - however I do express strong views, "rude"
in the anglo-saxon meaning, adult...
- see the
GeoCities page Content Guidelines
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