Stonehenge Campaign
c/o 99 Torriano Av. London NW5 2RX We meet at Solstice and Equinox sunrises at Stonehenge, ~ etc... We want more Free Festivals at Stonehenge, and free access into the Stones for all who come in peace; ~ We're against climbing on the Stones ~ (some disagree sometimes) [ less ] [ frames ] ~ my phone: 07970-378572 (or WillyX-0207-722-4781) this webpage: #Latest #Feedback #egroup #search #links other webpages: intro ~ sitemap ~ veday |
Stonehenge Feedback Form:
(Assume this will be intercepted by them!)
January 2007 - ok now ?
~ search these Stonehengey webpages:
see gsearch.htm for more search engines
, ______ _________ _______ , , / Free \ / The \ / Stones \ , , \________/ \_________/ \_______ / , , ____ ___ ___ ____ , , / \ / \ / \ / \ , , | | | | o | ! ! ! , , | | | | m | ! ! ! , , , , Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX , , ,
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