to the festival eye egroup for latest news about festivals:
Festival Eye 2000 website was at:
Festival Eye 1999 website was at:
see Stonehenge Campaign Datelist for festi dates
Festival Eye BCM 2002 London WC1N 3XX
[lots more links at ]
Festival Eye 2003 | ||
=== Spider Obituary == Spider of Circus Normal died before Beltane 2003. I was smiling at his funeral cos I'd last seen my friends there at Sunny's funeral who'd died too young too fast, had half a life, whereas Spider had a full life of sex drugs rock and roll, great South London parties with Back To the Planet, the Tofus, 2000DS, LSD etcetera: ~ Thanks geezer! ~ |
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~ Letter from Karelia 19may2003 ~
Dave said he was tired of playing second fiddle to the Space Goats but I say second fiddle is so much harder than first: so many guitarists play their songs but can't jam with others, respect to the second fiddles! [] |
plus Jeremy Sandford Obituary |
Festival Eye 2002From: "" To: Subject: karelia letter Date: 20 2003 May 20 21:11 ======================================== ==== rhymes from karelia 2002/03/13 ==== == Last December my bus handle backfired - My bloodied teeth were two or three - I feared them smashed - cold and tired - Yes I'm still my own worst enemy! == Thursday kangarooed it to Stonehenge, music, campfire but warm bed to crash. I overslept Friday Sunrise Stonehenge where they scattered Spiral Sunny's ash. == This summer, Stonehenge, contradictory dreams Free open access, no nutters with chisels! Rock bands and druids and chess cricket teams, no riots, no litter, no ravers with whistles. == We could self police for up to twelve hours shamanic dancing, drugs beer and drums, freedom and trust from the English powers, love and respect and sleeping kids mums. == == == 07970-378-572 == ===================================== |
==== Letter From Karelia - 4 March 2001 ===
'Part Time Grown-ups' means being childlike and playful but, when troubles arise, taking responsible actions, speaking out. An 'inner adult' watching from a corner of the brain lest 'childlike' becomes 'childish'. At Big Green 2000 I was furiously pedaling a trike with my lightshow for Nik Turner band @ Rinky Dink Sunday night when pushchair - swerve and stop - 'YOU SILLY HIPPY' I did shout out once or twice last summer - and you should too if you notice something too dangerous- nobody's perfect (though some think they are!) And I've an inner monster - when I'm angry at someone is it at them or at a projection of my fears (laying my trips on them?) Its when we deny and suppress our inner dog that it can wreak terrible damage on us through the subconscious. Remember 'Silver Chair' by CS Lewis Festivals are, since time immemorial, a vital time of changing clothes, a safety valve from conformist wage slavery, changing times of drinks and drugs; and the insights we get in our altered states of mind should make us more aware, more empathic, less robotic than the Thatcheroid straights. 07970-378572 === Stonehenge Summer Solstice === June 2000 was 99% great - we celebrated Solstice at Stonehenge and then Bowie sang Starman at Glastonbury. This June, 200, if ten thousand people come and go in peace but a hundred try a three-day sit-in and get evicted by riot police then that's what they'd show on telly and English Heriticage would say that they'd trusted us but we'd betrayed them and ban us for another fifteen years giving tickets only to tame druids. I hope not. [george] |
Rainbow Circle Summer Camp August 2000+2001
In a brave and foolish concensus Rainbow Circle this summer will be Magic Hat entirely - no trading except at Saturday markets. Theoretically with no divides everyone will contribute more (the more you give the more you get) Last summer, 2000, I bought a ticket and loved the the family and food and workshops and late night music jamming in the kitchen. What pisses me off about Rainbow Circle is that its so easy to criticise them because they aim so high. [george] [] == Last of the Hippies == In this book CJ Stone slags off his earlier acid eating self and everyone he meets, saying nothing positive about hippydom. Des's drunken words shouldn't have been recorded- (ref: my F.E.1994 obituary). CJ says he had a contract and had spent the advance so he had to write this book. He dedicates this book to John Pendragon. Please don't let him write a cynical book like this about our John. [george] [] ==== music review==== Tribal Voices Tribal Voices is a collective of over 100 acoustic musicians, formed around the campfires of eco protest sites like Twyford Down and Newbury, and at traditional seasonal gatherings. We have four cassettes for sale, and are recording more |
In Festival Eye 2000, page 37, my paragraph reviewing the Rainbow Circle Beltane Camp 1999 was stuck on the end of Margaret Greenfield's review of the Beltane Camp 2000.
Luke wants everyone to know that he took the photos on pages 18 and 48 of FE2000 -
Sorry to Ruth, on Festival Eye 1999 page 35 I added two paragraphs to conclude her Diggers review.
This here webpage
festone.htm is my Festival Eye webpage.
I'm George, I was Picture Editor in 1989 and 1999,
and I've writ stuff in the mag for years and years.
I've phoned Andy, he said he's planning Festival Eye 2000 magazine,
he's moving house and may reply to emails in a few weeks.
He's still not sure why several 1999 magazine pictures were spoilt,
and why the cover was printed so dark
(see my notes further down this webpage ).
== Rainbow Circle Beltane Camp 1999 ==
Based on the "Magic Hat" - with no fixed prices or punter/sitecrew divisions - but everyone contributing freely - this worked! Tipi Jean led a Navajo-style "Law Circle" of representative opposites such as Warriors who'd fight to the death, and Peace Makers who'd never kill, Shamen, mothers... Me, I was a 'Contrary' - rebellious youth! I broke the rule of not playing radios when asked not to - I was drunk and emotional - sorry! [dice]george. |
== The Story of Rubbish ==
Mother Earth, having been raped by her offspring, Humanity,
has given birth to a monster.
Rubbish, also called Garbage.
Denied and reviled by his father Rubbish has grown enormous
and become demented.
His mother can no longer contain him and he is choking her to death.
You, Humanity, stop violating your mother, the Earth.
Recognise Rubbish for what he is, your son and also your brother,
born both from the great Mother's flesh.
Take hold of him, embrace him, and learn to love him;
never call him vile disgusting and dangerous,
We have brought him here into being;
Now let us help him find his rightful place.
Love and Respect. (Check out the black bin liners of the soul) |
== Stonehenge Solstice June 1999 ==
We were in the Stones
drumming and dancing. The police started moving in,
trying to crush people.
We put the kids in the middle and sat down and linked arms -
nobody was doing any damage,
everybody was hugging each other,
how much more fluffy can you get?
You dont apply for tickets to church.
There were police there with tears in their eyes -
they felt the energy of the place
by Jo Ashton Court |
==== John Pendragon letter ====
I sent a email about my late father John Pendragon back in
July 1999.
My brother Paul and I went to Wandsworth to
see dad, and we enjoyed the afternoon talking to him.
Our father's love of music has definitely passed
on to us, we have inherited his celtic heritage.
I would dearly like more information about my dad.
andy: please review the dice george internet single Repetitive Squeaks |
I dont do it for the money - I spent over 300 hours on it,
for me it's an art project.
I was picture editor. In the last night I laid out far too many pages,
If I'd spent more time checking then there may have been one less mistake,
but the magazine wouldn't have been so good artistickily.
where possible i have indicated the reason/responsibility for the errors.
Page 44, overlapping DW's number and Planet Gaia is almost certainly my fault,
but it could be quark's fault.
Until I look at it on the Mac I wont be 100% sure -
I'm in my bus in Somerset,
the Mac's in Hereford.
That the covers' colour is too dark could be a fault of the film maker, or the fault of the printers or of me: surely the printers could have lessened the amount of black. But maybe they thought that's how we'd wanted it. But Andy should have been there to see the first pressing. I think the proof film maker's proof looked a lot better, but it's not here for me to check up.
The loss of some colours on pages 2 and 51 is almost certainly
the Leominster film maker's fault,
What is annoying is that the same film maker and printer were used last year,
and these things didnt happen.
page 25 dates missing is mine and andy's fault for not treble checking it,
(unless the printed proof copy shows it OK,
in which case it'd be the film maker's fault.
was it ok on the printed proof?
See, below for the missing dates
However, over 99% of the mag was OK - two and two-thirds cheers for andy!
Festival Eye 1999 page 40~~~ letter from karelia bus NFA~~~ FE98 picture editing was sabotaged (sssorry for mistokes and om-misssions) and I missed most summer '98 festis due to D.C.3024 Lovell: I'm making an official complaint against the Police for his shoddy work not investigating NN's insults to us lot. It could've been worse.- consider random deaths, and the brainwashed brutalised millions who've never tasted freedom and responsibility... In sleepless jail I read my Oxford Dictionary from A to B. In housebound Gosport bail I learned trombone, studied Law, lit a band, internetted Tribal Voices music and poetry (we are a Strange Family, the same different people, stronger than before...) And Nat Gonella's funeral ~ (the British Louis Armstrong). Tip for males: if a woman's staying the night, but sex is inappropriate, but you can't sleep, feeling horny; then sneak away and wank ~ darwinisticky ejaculation makes the male mammal sleepy. Stick that up your internet search engines you twazzock! And if on your birthday no-one says "Happy Birthday" then you don't age ~ (the 'Peter Pan Principle' (but the twins sussed mine by intuition.)) '98's writers were John Steinbeck, John Holt, Julie Burchill, Anne McCaffery. Best ever remains Irene Clairemont de Castilejo's "Knowing Woman" from the Rainbow Centre Library: on page 2 she writes: "I have never forgotten the smile of a bus conductor as I alighted from a bus at the age of twenty. It was a smile shared. We never saw one another again, nor needed to, but for a few seconds we really met. I have written a little poem about it..." My 1999 began 90% good, fluting in the pub with Pew, FE99 scanning and picture editing, painting the bus, boisterous site family, windmill rescued off of Wandsworth Roundhouse generating, and my lightshow at Bristol with Theo, Shannon, SpaceGoats, etc Thanks to all who stood up for truth, honour and love.
P.S. I miss living with the good honest drugs dealers of South London and/or the integrated coloured Coventry Ska.
Please someone get my song (The Only Time I Lied..) to Number One and send me the songwriting dosh!
Also on page 40 was the music and words for my song:
apologies to Ingrid, Vicki, and the Dongas Band for missing out their photos, to Richie Bond for missing out his artwork, to Tribal Voices for missing out all their details, to EITHINOG for missing their details, to Andy and everyone for not being there - I gave him what help I could over the phone but it wasn't enough .. this was to have been my CV for 1998...
Letter from Karelia to Festival Eye 1998
I promise to tell the blag, the whole blag, and nothing but the blag - oh I forgot... How many Freemasons does it take to change a lightbulb? (I don't know - it's a secret!) Eavis didn't send me a ticket to play main stage '97 so I didn't go - his loss - in another reality I'd have got to Stonehenge Free Festival in '85 with my bus, lightshow and flute and been a popstar - Well, '97 I got my bus out of London, (clocked 165 miles in 12 months) to conk out in Somerset (again), did no lightshows but some jams with ace guitarists at BGG, Frome and DWB, saw Ozrics but couldn't hear the flute (again), Then at Stonehenge autumn equinox Jez said his band were going to Tribal Voices 3 camp - "I'm in your band aren't I?" "Yes" he said - so I was. Great winter at Dead Woman's Bottom anti-quarry protest camp, New Year's quite pissed woffled blurbage into my wind-powered 286PC by candlelight then hitched to Glasto and stuck it up the Web! Then 20 January surprise eviction, Under Sheriff Channer said because the land was compulsorily purchased They didn't need legal papers or summonses, "section 13", I was taken of site, the windmill was sawn off my bus and crashed onto the concrete, my bus was dangerously towed away (with the fire burning and a pallet on the roof) by MJ autos of Taunton, then They destroyed our possessions, and bulldozed two hedges where They could have left one (so if it's a hot summer the fields won't turn to dust and blow away). Somerset's Traveller Liaison Officer said we were protesters so it wasn't his business. Tim Carroll was responsible - he should resign 01823-355455. We bump-started the bus down a track where it's now. Got a leaflet and phoned and they said "yes" so we took my lightshow to Bath West Country Activists' meet, flashed psychedelic with Pok Spacegoat's Hendrix (and I'm the bulldozer pixie on their CD). Spring Equinox in Stonehenge, played tinwhistle with a random drummer for a minute or two - ah.. Then here to the Eye computers: ShakShak RinkyDink tape looping ("If we had no bullets, we'd all be bullet-proof, if we all wore silk there would be no war"), while the Mac scans I'm typing on this PC, PhotoShop, wow! (the '96 photos weren't my scans) Oh, and February a slogan bubbled up out of my alleged brane, it's not true, but it'd make a cheesy Country and Western hit, it's all in the title- "The only time I lied (was when I said I didn't love you any more)" I told it to B.B. James once and he's still 'singing' it, but how to copyright it? I ain't got a taperecorder or mains, and I'm not a singer, so here it is, someone out there get it to number one and email me the songwriting dosh! PS I want a trombone
Festival Eye 1998 submitted but not publishedStonehenge 1998English Heriticage let us through their tunnel to Stonehenge for Spring Equinox non-Sunrise, there's a huge mural of longhaired Britons at a reconstructed Stonehenge III with the lintels going all around - wrong, it was a horse-shoe with an entrance south at Stone 11 - (see my last years page 46); and they're bringing reconstructed roman catapults to Stonehenge - why? and they were displaying 3 posters of Old Sarum saying "2000 year-old iron-age fortress" - "do you think the Romans built it?' I asked them - and Paul tells me they're still selling a photo with Stonehenge inverted left/right and they've failed to close the A344 where it cuts the Stones from the Avenue, and when I went to buy a ticket for Midsummer's Night Dream there were only 200 and they were all sold out. [dice] george |
Walks to Stonehenge set off from
Long Man of Wilmington 23rd May
Old Steine fountain Brighton 2pm on 28 May
and from London Battersea Park Peace Pagoda at 2 pm on 1st June -