scn9912 Stonehenge Campaign Newsletter Winter 1999
this webpage contents:
~ contents
~ glastmeet
~ lfk
~ roly-died
~ babs-died
~ cybertribe
~ tribalvoices
~ respetitive-squeaks
~ mmatt
~ do-or-die8
~ glast-flyer
~ text-missing
~ end
deadline for december newsletter
is the meeting on Wednesday 1st December at 99 Torrianno Av
Stonehenge Campaign Meeting at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms,
Sunday 26 March 2000
Stonehenge Campaign
c/o 99 Torriano Av. London NW5 2RX
Letter from Karelia 14xii99
Dear Stonehengers,
the moon and tides rise an hour later each day,
full moon is when it's opposite the sun,
with us in between, roughly.
Alleged scientists say Stonehenge I was built at three thousand BC,
so now it's our fifth millenium -
(any excuse for a party).
Yet every day is a new age of infinite potential for love play or treachery.
'There is no God' say me, Shelley, Russell and Einstein.
They wrote of mystery wonder and awe
at the stars and forests and wildlife and Mozart.
Transcending a black/white theology
is the wisdom of Irene's Jungianisms
(see Festival Eye 1999 page 40)
99% fluffy 07970-378-572
- Roly the bassis of Ozrics and Brixton died leaving a duaghter, Sophie Rhiannon.
- Gypsy Babs of Frestonia died.
- our email has been giving us some trouble
- Willy X went to Frankfurt and talked to the CyberTribe about Stonehenge.
- Tribal Voices tapes 3 and 4 are for sale, ######
'##### details as in newseletter - somewhere in brixton - JEZ suss it please!
- DiceGeorge has released a single on the internet
=== email from mmatt ============
Big shame this samhain- Roly had so much light, only
ever knew him after ozrics, but heard him on the early
albums, loping bassist wandering the heavens, jamming
with the stars. weaving his way home........
All of December is important, being the last month and
all. But for so many cultures it is not 2000 the world
will teter on the brink of celebration and
Do Or Die No.8
ISSN 1462-5989
Voices from the ecological resistance
350 A5 pages crammed with reports, analysis, opinions, paranoia, resources and pictures:
June18, Globalisation, Tunnelling, Pirates, Genetix, trashings, squatting,
barcodes, Germoney, Bougainville, Nepal, Poland, Israel, Indonesia,
Kamunist Kranti, Akha, Kalimantan, Colorado,
a wise Big Fat Feminist Rant About Sex and lots more
£5.00 cheque to:
"Do or Die" c/o 6 Tilbury Place Brighton BN2 2GY
Here's a flyer for the Glastonbury meeting,you may notice that it's similar to last years, and the year befores,
some of the wallpaper paste still shows through the photoshopping!
There was more in the newsletter,
someone type it in please???
more webpages:
Stonehenge |
Campaign |
Newsletters |
email me:
... and/or email paul:
Stonehenge |
Calendar |
Contacts |
Tash |
Guilfin |
[less frames] |
diceGeorge .
thanks geocities - got your own free webpages yet?
Click here for Newsletter Contents
into bottom (banner) frame
The Stonehenge Campaign c/o 99 Torriano Av London NW5 2RX
(End of
Thanks for these webpages.