Meeting held at the George Hotel, Amesbury on 9th March 2001

Present: Kathleen Ben Rabha (Churches in Wiltshire together)
Dice George (Stonehenge Campaign)
Brian Viziondanz (Peace Worker from USA)
George Firsoff (Secretary of TRCS & PADRAS)
Rowena Stone (Treasurer of PADRAS)
Kasia Morris (Pagan Facilitator from Bristol)
Andy Hollingshead (Police Commander)
Andy Van Driva (Festive Events Consultant)
Nora Morris (Pagan from Hampshire)
Adrian Tibbitts (Resident of Shrewton)
Paul Aitken (Long time Stonehenge observer)
Spike (Observer from travelling community)
Alfie (Observer from travelling community)
Arthur Pendragon (Council of British Druid Orders)
Carrie de Fey (Arthur's Assistant)
Chris Stone (Arthur's Biographer)
Roy Gillett (President of Astrological Association)
Carol Waller (New Futures group negotiates for Travellers)
Maria Napper (Museum Administrator, Secy IIPSGP)
Thomas Daffern (Chair of TRC & PADRAS)

Apologies: Tim Abbott, Zia Lane; Martin Mottram has resigned in a friendly letter; Clews Everard hopes to attend towards the end of the meeting

The meeting started with introductions and a short silence

Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising:

Andy Hollingshead's name should have been included in the apologies

Reference to confusion between the Stonehenge Campaign talking Circle in Glastonbury Assembly Rooms on March 25th and other events.

Treasurer's Report:

At this point people kindly contributed to TRCS expenses. Some 39 pounds were accounted afterwards.

Brian had suggested at the recent meeting of the Round Table that some of the money spent on stewarding by English Heritage could be donated to TRCS in recognition of its role; Clews looking into this

George F. had emailed with Broomcon, a Pagan Camp in June, who might make a donation to PADRAS.

Kathleen will investigate EU funding

PADRAS meeting on 25th March (it was noted this clashed unfortunately with the Glastonbury meeting)
- one issue will be funding

Dave Griffith's suggestions about 'secular' application through the Regional Govt. Office should be followed up (Treasurer / IIPSGP)

Secretary's Report:

George F. had a number of questions for the National Trust - according to email from Clews they would be responding to him directly - Arthur said some of these had been answered at the Round Table and it was important those organisations invited to the Round Table should attend

(It was agreed to add to the agenda an item looking at the relationship between the TRCS and the RT)

A number of points of information arose from or relevant to RT meeting:

EH plan on opening Stones at 8pm at Summer Solstice

Attempt to negotiate base / training centre / camp site for Peace Stewards at a Wiltshire village as last year

Discussion on Arthur's role as co-ordinator; training will be offered but not compulsory - meeting reminded of the key issues for peace stewarding agreed at the previous meeting

Willie X and fellow travellers thinking about a deserted / little used MOD airfield near Andover as a site from Thursday over the weekend - putting out feelers through this meeting as to likely reaction of the authorities; Andy H. Agreed to get view of Commander at Andover and report back to George

Discussion followed on relationship between Solstice at the Stones and other events; Andy's view is that Solstice is a 'stand alone' event; his job is to look after traffic flow and prevent an illegal festival on the plain, not to lump together access there with whatever happens elsewhere

Media Liaison Officer's Report:

Arthur happy to fulfil this role and to work with Brian

Needs a TRCS logo / letterhead

An earlier problem ref. PADRAS / TRCS - who is saying what on behalf of whom - discussed

Arthur repeated request for either Thomas or George F. to attend RT

Reports from organisations / individuals

Andy Van D told of so far unsuccessful efforts to find 'dispersal' sites for people. Had visited Exodus collective.

Thomas put contact with Country Landowner's Association on the table; it was agreed this was a good way forward but might not be achievable this year, especially in view of current situation with Foot & Mouth

Everyone recognised the need to act responsibly in view of F&M; on the other hand, once access to the land was cleared, official dispersal sites could be a useful source of income to the landowner

At this point Carol W. introduced herself and her group, New Futures; agreed very strongly that places to go after the Solstice would be essential if things were to run smoothly; certain there would be large numbers of people this year; will liaise with Andy H.

Paul Aitken glad to hear New Futures pushing these issues through contact with Association of Chief Police Officers; hoped Andy H. would do so too; there was a need for a national understanding and response; maybe SH could be the model

Police Report:

Andy H. restated his role - traffic management and assisting EH as the management authority - much happier the police not taking 'prime' role

Three stages of activity:

run-up (no illegal activity in the area)

Solstice itself (car park open from 6pm)

Getting people off site and away (car park closing 4pm on the 21st)

Welcomed idea of police rep(s) being in on peace training

There would be joint briefing with EH, Arthur, TRCS, etc.

Communications / technology - efforts to improve on last year

Now he was aware of likelihood of increased numbers, would work with EH on contingency plans

Roy G. reminded everyone again of the delicate stage things were at; EH reassuring all their critics this is 'not a festival'; the astrology confirmed this was a year for courage, caution and clear thinking; go for events elsewhere; must be careful not to blow it ! Andy H. agreed - get things going (legally) away from the Stones

Andy H. will be around for the Solstice but then on 6 month's placement ; Andy Tatum will be in charge of the police operation

Andy H. asked people not to lose sight of the change that has taken place in police perception, as well as everyone else's - he had to give apologies and leave the meeting at this point (4.55pm)

Chairman's Report - including report on IIPSGP:

Brief description of current IIPSGP projects

Statement of personal restrictions on time

Proposal for approx. 3 meetings of TRCS a year. Did not wish to see TRCS role diminished but thought this would be effective; recognised there might be a more active role for vice-chairman if more meetings were required, or for a change in chairmanship

Long term planning for SH:

report back by Chris S. and Roy G:

Highways Agency wedded to cut-and-cover

Public Enquiry not before 2003

Visitor Centre 2006(ish)

Road tied in with proposal for Winterbourne Stoke by-pass

Centre for the Culture of Peace and Healing / College of Ritual:

Point made that RT / EH did give people opportunity to talk about spiritual issues surrounding the Solstice and the Stones; maybe this could become a regular feature, leading to a more formal forum ?

Funding was of course crucial ; Nora made the point that any building would have to be on the right earth energy site

Preparations for Solstice:

Much of this already covered under other items

Rowena S. offered to co-ordinate 'welfare' provision for peace stewards

EH / Clews keen to 'do it right' this year - contacted H&S Exec., fire brigade. etc. Need our support - musn't encourage people to an event that isn't going to happen; purpose of access is to witness the Solstice

Other relevant events / meetings:

Glastonbury Meeting (25. 03.) PADRAS (ditto) COBDO (11. 03.)

Festival Eye copy date coming up; Rainbow Circle event (date ?)

Some lively debate on PADRAS - who and what it is / the nature of Druidry

No EH report in the absence of Clews E.

Next meetings of TRCS: Friday May 18th; Sunday June 10th (Round Table meetings will be on 6th and 18th June)

[Thanks to Maria Napper for providing the basis of this report!]

Click on to Introduction to Truth & Reconciliation Commission for Stonehenge

Click on to Chair's Report January 2000

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